Transfer Information
Your HCTC degree will transfer into a bachelor degree at Kentucky colleges and universities, as well as, to out-of-state colleges and universities. The Career and Transfer Counselor will be glad to work with you to prepare an academic plan, assist with applications for admissions and ensure a successful transfer to finish your education.
For assistance with transfer please contact:
Bobby Collins
College Career/Transfer Counselor
Hazard Community and Technical College
(606) 487-3059
Tammy Duff
Director University Center of the Mountains
First Federal Center, Room 119K
Hazard Community & Technical College
1 Community College Dr.
Hazard, KY 41701
(606) 487-3067
(800) 246-7521 (ext. 73067)
Preparing for Transfer
Transferring to a four-year school can seem like a mysterious process, but it is really quite simple. It actually mirrors the application process to HCTC. For general information about transferring to Kentucky schools, consult the Council on Postsecondary Education's Transfer Handbook.
Related Links that may assist your transfer planning: