Withdrawal Policy
To drop/withdraw from a course or from all courses at the college, students must have an active Student Self-service account. Visit the User Account Center to set up your self-service account if you haven’t already done so.
During the drop/add period (see drop/add dates in the Academic Calendar), students may drop a course or courses with no grade and no tuition obligation.
From the end of the drop/add period through the official mid-term date for a course (see mid-term dates in the Academic Calendar) students can, at their discretion, withdraw from a course and will receive a “W” and owe associated charges. The student must initiate the withdrawal.
From the first day after mid-term until the last day to officially withdraw from a course (see last day to officially withdraw in the Academic Calendar) a student may, at the instructor’s discretion, withdraw from a course with a grade of “W” or other grade as outlined in the course syllabus. Please read each course’s syllabus to determine the instructor’s withdrawal policy. The student must initiate the official withdrawal.
If you are enrolled in an online class through a KCTCS college other than HCTC, that college's calendar may be different. Check your course syllabus or contact your instructor to confirm those dates.
Withdrawal Procedure
Submit requests to drop/withdraw from classes using Student Self-Service. For detailed instructions, please visit the Student Training and Learning Center.
The student will be held responsible for any and all financial delinquencies which result from failure to complete the withdrawal process by the dates established in the Academic Calendar. Also, if you do not officially withdraw from a class, you will receive a failing grade in that class.
It is advisable to check with Financial Aid for potential consequences of withdrawing.