Surgical Technology Pre Admissions Conference and Application Process | HCTC

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Surgical Technology Pre Admissions Conference and Application Process

You now have two options to complete the Surgical Technology Program Pre-Admission Conference Application.

  1. Students can complete the pre-admission conference application process On-Line by reading the PowerPoint and completing the application form OR
  2. Attend a Surgical Technology Program Pre-Admissions Conference In- Person and complete the Pre-Admissions Conference Form.


In order to be considered for admission into the Surgical Technology program at HCTC, the following items must be in completed by May 15 of the year you wish to be considered:

  • Online Pre-Admission Conference Surgical Technology application form on file
    • A new application must be submitted every year if you wish to be considered.
  • Transfer or re-admit Surgical Technology students must have a “C” or better in all general education and Surgical Technology courses to be eligible for admission. Also, students must submit a recommendation letter from the previous Surgical Technology Program Coordinator.
  • All students must have an advising session with a Surgical Technology advisor to be considered for acceptance.

selective admissons

After the May 1 deadline, all applicant information is reviewed by the selection committee. This process may take several weeks. Every applicant will receive a letter whether accepted, an alternate, or not accepted; please be patient.

Points System

  • Students are admitted based on a point system. Points are given for ACT, each general education course completed with a “C” or better, and Cumulative GPA.
  • No minimum ACT score is required; however, extra points will be awarded if the ACT score is 18 and above or placement scores that are equivalent.
  • Points will be given according to grade earned for each required General Education class listed below. 
  • Cumulative GPA of all general education courses that are applicable to the Surgical Technology program. GPA must be 2.0.
  • Documentation of work experience in patient contact settings.

Refer to the Surgical Technology Criteria Index document to add up your total score and bring it to your advising appointment, so your advisor can review it with you.


To be considered for readmission, each applicant must submit the following credentials by May 1.

  1. A student who withdraws from or earns less than a grade of in any course with the Surgical Technology program prefix will be dropped from the Surgical Technology program. 
  2. Readmission to the Surgical Technology program will be dependent upon available resources and the selective admission process. Application is not a guarantee of readmission to the program.
  3. The process for readmission to the program is as follows:

    1. students who wish to apply for readmission to the program must do so by the same dates as for admission – by May 15 and

    2. submit a written request to the Surgical Technology Program Coordinator including information to justify readmission.

    3. If more than one years has elapsed since initial enrollment in a Surgical Technology program, the entire sequence of surgical technology courses must be repeated. 

    4. A student may be readmitted to the Surgical Technology program one (1) time. A student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.00.


To transfer, each applicant must submit the following credentials by May 1.

  1. Applicants who wish to transfer from one Surgical Technology program to another must:
    1. meet all admission requirements of the receiving institution.
    2. apply for admission to the program by the dates indicated above,
    3. notify the Coordinator of the Surgical Technology Program in writing, stating anticipated entry date and reason for transfer,
    4. have a faculty member from the program previously attended submit a letter of recommendation to the receiving institution; and
    5. submit an official transcript for evaluation by the Admissions Committee.
  2. If more than one years has elapsed since initial enrollment in a Surgical Technology program, the entire sequence of surgical technology courses must be repeated.
  3. Acceptance of any transfer student will be dependent upon available resources and the selective admission process. Application is not a guarantee of acceptance to the program.

Program Expenses

  • Tuition/Textbooks/Liability Insurance/Scrubs/Shoes
  • CPR Certification
    • Immunizations
    • HBV Series, TB Skin Test, MMR, Tdap, Varicella, Influenza, COVID-19
    • Complete and turn in when prompted by clinical coordinator
  • Drug screen
    • Complete and turn in when prompted by clinical coordinator
    • Clinical Facilities will review if discrepancies and they determine eligibility.
  • Background check
    • Complete and turn in when prompted by clinical coordinator
    • Clinical Facilities will review if discrepancies and they determine eligibility.
  • Graduation
  • Certification Exam

**This list is not inclusive. It is simply a guideline