Academic Advising | HCTC

KCTCS SNAP Alert Hazard All Campuses.

All HCTC Campuses will be closed Tuesday 2-18-25. All activities and classes, day and night, are cancelled.

Academic Advising


The Advising Process and Your Advisor

The Advising process is an integral part of your academic success and helps to ensure that you stay on your educational pathway. Whether your goal is to get an associate's degree and transfer or to take a few classes, advisors are here to help you achieve your academic goals. Academic advisors are available at each HCTC campus (on campus) and through email and virtual advising sessions. Advisors can assist you with a variety of academic services including degree planning, class registration, career and transfer advising, referral of campus and community resources, add/drop/withdrawal process, and graduation processes. Each student is assigned an advisor upon enrollment and listed in the student center on . 

Contact us with any questions you may have. 

Registration Resources

Once students have completed the admissions and advising process, the next step is registration. Students should be aware of registration options, course formats, payment procedures and deadlines.