Student Complaints Resolution Procedure | HCTC

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Student Complaints Resolution Procedure

Hazard Community and Technical College
Student Complaints Resolution Procedure
(Approved April 13, 2021); Reviewed/Updated by PLT 8.29.24


Prior to the 2011-2012 year, HCTC addressed student complaints under applicable KCTCS policies and procedures using unwritten procedures. During the 2012 SACSCOC 5th Year Review, an original Student Complaints Resolution Procedure was developed and approved by the HCTC Leadership Team (now HCTC President’s Leadership Team) in April 2012 to satisfy SACSCOC requirements. The 2012 procedure relied on the Student Code of Conduct but also provided an informal and a formal process outside of the Code of Conduct for non-academic rights. The original procedure has not been updated since it was approved.

During the intervening years, the KCTCS Board of Regents have developed more robust KCTCS Policies and Procedures to address student complaints. The revised local HCTC procedure incorporates the KCTCS Policies and Procedures.


Complaints are divided into two categories: 

  • Violation of academic rights
  • Procedural complaints, such as complaints related to sexual harassment and misconduct, student harassment or discrimination, or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

There is also a State Appeal Process to the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. This is available only if the student has taken steps to exhaust HCTC’s grievance processes.

General concerns, such as billing questions, questions about class schedules, or questions about financial aid, are not within the definition of a “complaint.”   Specific questions related to general concerns should be sent to the appropriate HCTC office. If students do not know who to contact with their concerns, they should contact the HCTC Chief Student Affairs Officer. Contact information is listed on the website.


The academic rights of all students are clearly set forth in the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct (Code) ( ). The Code was reviewed and updated December 2, 2022, by a KCTCS work group to provide a more organized, student-reader friendly document and additional external assistance contact information. The revised Code was implemented May 20, 2022. The Code contains a Preamble, five Articles, a Compliance with Regulations/External Assistance section, and an Appendix outlining the structure of student organizations. Article II delineates the Standards of Conduct expected of students.

Students have the ability to file appeals when they believe a violation of their academic rights has occurred. The KCTCS Student Bill of Rights ( ) “sets out the rights of students engaged in KCTCS education programs and activities.” KCTCS Administrative Procedures ( state that students have the academic right to:

  • Receive information about course content in a timely manner
  • Receive information about course grading criteria in a timely manner
  • Hold and express a contrary opinion
  • Fair and impartial academic evaluation
  • Confidentiality of academic records
  • Informed evaluation of student character and ability

A grade appeal is an example of a complaint that would be addressed through the Code of Student Conduct. For more information about filing a complaint under the Code of Student Conduct, students should contact the HCTC Chief Student Affairs Officer. Contact information is listed on the website. Procedures for reporting and investigating code violations are outlined in ARTILE III of the Code ( ).


Complaints Related to Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct

Referenced in the Code, under “Compliance with Regulations/External Assistance,” are instructions indicating that complaints relating to sexual harassment and misconduct should be made to the HCTC Title IX Coordinator. Such complaints shall be handled in accordance with the KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures 3.3.1A-P ( 

Any person may report prohibited conduct in person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail to the Title IX Coordinator. Contact information is listed on the website.

Complaints Related to Student Harassment or Discrimination

KCTCS Administrative Procedures 6.6-P, Student Harassment or Discrimination Grievance Procedure

Students who feel they may have been discriminated against or subject to harassment by students or employees because of their race, color, national origin, sex/gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, beliefs, pollical affiliation, veteran status, age, or disability (including denial of a request for an accommodation) have the right to pursue an informal and/or formal discrimination grievance. 

The informal student discrimination grievance procedure is described in KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures 6.6-P ( 

If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student through the informal grievance procedure, the student may file a formal appeal according to the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct, Article IV C. Notice and Right to Appeal (KCTCS Code of Student Conduct | KCTCS).

Students who feel they have been discriminated against, should contact the HCTC Chief Student Affairs Officer. Contact information is listed on the website.

KCTCS Administrative Procedures 3.3.1-P, Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Procedure

KCTCS Administrative Procedure 3.3.1-P ( provides another way to report harassment or discrimination.  An individual may report a complaint of illegal discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, or retaliation to the Director of Employee Relations at the System Office, the KCTCS Vice President for Legal Services, the HCTC president, the KCTCS president, the HCTC Human Resources Director, the System Director of Human Resources, the HCTC Title IX Coordinator, the KCTCS Title IX Coordinator or the HCTC Chief Student Affairs Officer. 

In addition to the reporting channels above, an individual may also report the matter directly to the KCTCS EthicsPoint hotline at 1-866-594-3115 or at

Complaints under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Complaints relating to the ADA or applicable state and local laws that forbid discrimination in employment against qualified individuals with disabilities should be sent to the Senior Director of Human Resources. Contact information is listed on the website. Such complaints will be handled in accordance with KCTCS Administrative policies 3.3.1 (  This policy applies to all employees, including student-employees.


The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) serves as the coordinating agency for postsecondary education in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The CPE is authorized under state law to address complaints about HCTC, provided the student has taken steps to exhaust HCTC’s grievance processes (see above). Students should attempt to resolve the complaint through the established protocol at HCTC before contacting CPE.

Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
100 Airport Road
Frankfort, KY 40601


SACSCOC Section 12.4 requires that:

The institution (a) publishes appropriate and clear procedures for addressing written student complaints, (b) demonstrates that it follows the procedures when resolving them, and (c) maintains a record of student complaints that can be accessed upon request by SACSCOC. (Student complaints)

The procedure is published on the HCTC website (  It shall be updated as changes occur. Regardless of any changes, student complaint procedures shall be reviewed annually by the Chief Student Affairs Officer prior to the beginning of the Fall semester.

The record of student complaints is maintained by the Chief Student Affairs Officer or designee. Any individual receiving a written student complaint must inform the Chief Student Affairs Officer of the existence of the complaint, the date of the complaint, the type of complaint, the student’s name, the student Peoplesoft® number, details about the complaint, and the resolution of the complaint, including the date of resolution. Implemented in 2015, HCTC maintains a secure Student Complaint log that tracks this information.