Financial Aid Calculator | HCTC

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Financial Aid Calculator

Welcome to the Financial Aid Calculator. This calculator is designed to give you an estimate of how much financial aid you might qualify for. The calculator provides information on the Federal Pell Grant, State College Access Program Grant (CAP) and Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) and doesn’t include any institutional scholarships. 

As you use this calculator be mindful that:

  • This calculator only provides an estimate of financial aid and is based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)information you enter into the calculator 
  • The calculator is based on enrollment of credit hours in an eligible program
  • The calculator is not designed to replace the FAFSA or a complete financial aid award package provided by a college financial aid office. 

Please read. By clicking below, I acknowledge that the estimate provided using this calculator does not represent a final determination, or actual award, of financial assistance. Cost of attendance and financial aid availability change year to year. The estimates shall not be a binding agreement with (College). Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be eligible for, and receive, an actual financial aid award that includes Federal and State grant awards. For more information on applying for Federal student aid, go to the FAFSA website.

Do you agree to the Agreement Terms?

Financial Aid Calculator

To access your EFC from your FAFSA or to file your FAFSA application, go to the FAFSA website.

Please note that in order to receive a State CAP grant, a student must be a Kentucky Resident, have financial need, and be enrolled at least half time (6 credit hours or more) in an eligible academic program (the program must be at least 2 years in length), and not have met eligibility limits (equivalent of full-time enrollment for four academic terms when enrolled in a two-year program of study).

To access your KEES award amount, log in KHEAA website at

  Fall Spring Total
Federal Pell Grant
State CAP Grant
State KEES Grant
Tuition & Fees
Estimated Net Cost for


Keep in mind this is only an ESTIMATE - To receive an award, you must be admitted to the college, have a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) listed with your college school code, and complete any necessary verification process. At that time, you will receive an official financial aid award letter.  Contact your college financial aid office if you have other scholarships so they can be added to your financial aid package.

Click Here to Apply to (college)

Contact (college) to see what other institutional scholarship may be available