Services for Students
Checking out Materials
All HCTC students must have a valid library card before they may check out materials. Students may check out up to 10 books. There are no overdue fines; however, if students do not return library materials they will be charged the price of the item and a processing fee. A hold will be placed on their college account and they will not be able to register for classes or receive a transcript until this matter is resolved. The charge to replace a lost card is $3.
Students can use library computers to do class work and access college email. They must have their HCTC username and pass word to log on to a computer. All KCTCS and HCTC computer-use policies apply. Students need to bring a USB flash drive with them in order to save their work.
The libraries have coin-operated black-and-white photocopiers. Copies are 10 cents each. The copiers accept coins and have a dollar bill changer. The libraries cannot make change.
All HCTC and UCM students receive 500 pages in FREE printing each semester. To add additional pages, students can purchase a Printer Top Card at the Business Office. Community patrons can also purchase Printer Top Cards in order to print from campus computers.
Recommend a Book, Magazine or Audiovisual
Use the Recommend a Book form to request specific resources to be added to the library s collections.
Interlibrary Loan
Did you know that you may request books, copies of journal and magazine articles, etc. which are not available at the HCTC Libraries? Find out more about our Interlibrary Loan Service.
Document Delivery (Online Students Only)
If you are taking all your courses online you are eligible to request residential delivery of library items. Visit Off Campus Delivery to learn how.
Books, Journals & More
Do you need to locate a book or an article? Visit the HCTC Libraries Orientation LibGuide to learn how to access resources.
The LibGuides are Subject and Course guides which highlight specific resources.
Student Instructional Request
For one-on-one or small group (5 or fewer people) instructional sessions for students..Please try to request a session with at least one week's notice of requested date/time.