Research Tools | HCTC

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All HCTC campuses will operate remotely Tuesday, 1-21-25, classes and services continue virtually. Register for classes by calling 487-3293.

Research Tools


Library Search - is a research tool for finding HCTC Libraries resources including print and electronic books, journals, magazines, etc. Other KCTCS Libraries resources can be located by using the Library limiter on the right side of the results page.

Library Search Books – use this link to search for on the shelf books at HCTC Libraries.

NoveList offers expert fiction readers advisory services, genre and age level appropriate reading lists.

WorldCat is an online public access catalog for other libraries in the U.S. and around the world.


Credo: Search full-text online versions of about  927 published reference works from 117 publishers in a variety of major subjects. These include general and subject dictionaries as well as encyclopedias.

EBSCOhostFind magazine and scholarly journal articles, primary sources, newspaper articles, eBooks and more.

Gale ResourcesResearch journals, magazines, newspapers and more than 175 million pages of primary sources. Includes Opposing Viewpoints In Context and the popular Peterson's Test and Career Prep.

KYVL: The KY Virtual Library (KYVL) provides library & information resources to all Kentuckians to support information literacy, college & career readiness (LearningExpress Library), academic research and lifelong learning.

ProQuestAlternative & Independent magazines, journals and newspaper articles from Alt-Press Watch, vocational information & career search resources in the Career and Technical Education database, and statewide & regional newspaper coverage in the Global Newsstream databases

Federal Government / Kentucky Resources

Click HERE for more info about Federal Depository Library and Kentucky government resources accessible by HCTC Libraries.

Fedral Depository Kentucky State Seal

Other Databases & Resources

Ancestry Library Edition (Accessible on HCTC Campus Computers): Discover your family members in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more in this online genealogy resource.

The Chronicle of Higher Education is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Full Text articles are available in EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete from 1999 To Present (With A 30 Day Delay). 

The Washington Post  is an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. The Post was founded in 1877 and has won over 69 Pulitzer Prizes.  The newspaper is currently owned by Nash Holdings, a holdings company established by Jeff Bezos of Amazon.

Films on Demand is a streaming video service with educational programming in a variety of subjects from well-known production companies.