Off Campus Delivery | HCTC

KCTCS SNAP Alert Hazard All Campuses.

HCTC campuses will operate remotely Feb 20 and 21. Classes and services continue virtually. Register for classes by calling 487-3293

Library Off Campus Delivery

Eligibility Criteria:

Certain HCTC students, faculty, and staff are eligible to request residential delivery of library items. In order to request Off-Campus Delivery, patrons must meet one of the following criteria:

  • The patron is an HCTC student enrolled only in online classes.
  • The patron is an HCTC faculty member teaching only online classes.
  • The patron is an HCTC staff member engaged only in online work.

Patrons are ineligible for our Off-Campus Delivery service if:

  • The patron is not an HCTC student, faculty member, or staff member.
  • The patron is enrolled in any face-to-face classes at HCTC.
  • The patron is teaching or otherwise employed at any HCTC campus location.

Off Campus Delivery Form

To request library materials complete the form and HCTC Libraries will mail the materials to your home and will email any electronic scans you request.

IMPORTANT: You are responsible for paying the return postage for all items and returning items to an HCTC Library location. A library hold may be placed on your account if returnable items are not received at the HCTC Libraries by their designated due date.

Items Available for Delivery

Any circulating library item may be requested, these include books, some CDs and government documents. Articles from print journals or magazines can be scanned and emailed to you. Some library materials are non-circulating which will require you to contact an HCTC Library location.


If you have any additional questions regarding off campus delivery contact the HCTC Libraries at the following:

Toll Free: (800) 246-7521
Stephens Library: 606-436-5721, ext. 73145
Lees College Campus Library: 606-666-7521, ext. 73553