Interlibrary Loan Service | HCTC

Interlibrary Loan Service

Hazard Community and Technical College students, faculty, staff and community may request books, copies of journal and magazine articles, etc. which are not available at the HCTC Libraries.

Before submitting an ILL request, discuss your information need with a member of the library staff. A variety of print and electronic resources are available and staff can assist you with selecting appropriate materials.

For Books and Audiovisuals

Check the Primo Book

For Journal and Magazines

Go to Catalogs and Databases. Select from the list of available databases. Click on the full-text icon when conducting your search.

How Do I Request Books, Articles

  • Print item information from the catalog or database pages. Type or write your name, address, phone number and email address along with information about the book or article including the author, title, publication date etc. A separate form is needed for each item.
  • It is your responsibility to check with the Circulation Desk to see if the item has arrived.
  • Items must be returned on or before the due date to the Circulation Desk.
  • Renewals are made at the discretion of the lending institution. Loan periods are typically 4 weeks. Please allow sufficient time for a renewal request to be processed.

Additional Information

  • Books, journal or magazine articles and audiovisuals not available at HCTC Libraries can be ordered.
  • 5 requests per student per week will be processed.
  • Requests will be accepted via telephone and email. To process an interlibrary loan request the title, author, publication information , etc. will be required.
  • Textbook titles, reserve and duplicate items may be requested if titles have been backordered, or at the request of faculty to provide student access. These requests may not be filled due to the lending library s policies or availability.
  • Entire issues of a journal will not be requested.

Request a Book or Audiovisual

Request a Journal or Magazine Article

When Will the Item Arrive

Allow at least two (2) weeks for delivery. You will be notified by email or phone when the item is available. It is your responsibility to check with the Circulation Desk to see if the item has arrived. The return date will be stamped on the book and will vary depending on lending library s policies.

Materials ten (10) days overdue are declared LOST, and patrons are declared delinquent for the replacement cost of the materials.


If you have any additional questions regarding off campus delivery contact the HCTC Libraries at the following:

Toll Free: (800) 246-7521
Stephens Library: 606-487-3304
Lees College Campus Library: 606-487-3568