Radiography Curriculum
Hazard Community & Technical College/
Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College
Associate Degree in Applied Science
Regional Radiography Program Curriculum
*Pre-requisite for entry into the program:
(Must be completed prior to taking IMG 100)
* Bio 137/139 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II | 8 |
General Education Requirements
(General education courses can be completed while active in the Regional Radiography
MA 109 | College Algebra OR | 3 |
MT 150 | College Algebra & Functions OR | (3) |
MAT 150 | College Algebra OR | (3) |
Higher Level Quantitative Reasoning Course | (3) | |
ENG 101 | Writing I | 3 |
PHY 171 | Applied Physics OR | 4 |
PHY 172 | Physics for Health Sciences OR | (2) |
PHY 152 | Introduction to Physics | (3) |
CLA 131 | Medical Terminology from Greek and Latin OR | 3 |
AHS 115 | Medical Terminology OR | (3) |
AHS 120 | Medical Terminology | (1) |
Heritage/Humanities | 3 | |
Social/Behavioral Sciences | 3 | |
Subtotal: | 23-27 |
Please Note: Documentation of computer literacy as defined by KCTCS is required prior to admission
to IMG Courses. Competency exam or college level courses: CIS 100, CIT 105, OST 105,
CAD 103, DLC 100, IMD 100 or VCC 150.
Additional General Education: (Highly Recommended for Transfer Purposes)
PSY 223 Developmental Psychology
ENG 102 Writing II
Radiography Program Requirements
First Year
First Semester
IMG 100 | Radiography I | 7 |
IMG 101 | Radiography I Clinical | 4 |
Second Semester
IMG 110 | Radiography II | 7 |
IMG 111 | Radiography II Clinical | 4 |
Second Year
Summer Session
IMG 201 | Radiography III Clinical | 3 |
First Semester
IMG 210 | Radiography IV | 4 |
IMG 211 | Radiography IV Clinical | 6 |
Second Semester
IMG 220 | Radiography V | 4 |
IMG 221 | Radiography V Clinical | 6 |
Subtotal: | 45 | |
Total Credit Hours | 68-72 |
(The curriculum requires course attendance in the fall, spring and summer semesters).
*A CPR certification must be obtained prior to the beginning of IMG 100 and certification must be kept current throughout the program.
*Evidence of receiving the Hepatitis B Vaccine Series or a Vaccine Declination Form must be submitted to the Program Faculty prior to beginning IMG 100.