Commencement Ceremony Information | HCTC

Commencement Ceremony Information

Commencement Information

Hazard Community and Technical College will host the 2024-2025 commencement ceremony on May 10, 2025, at Perry County Central High School, at 10:00 a.m. for all programs.

Perry County Central High School
305 Park Avenue
Hazard, KY 41701 

Rehearsal will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 9, 2025, at Perry County Central High School.

Special Parking Assistance Needed?

If you have a family member in a wheelchair or using a walker who may need assistance entering the building, please contact Chief Student Affairs Officer, Deronda Mobelini, at, so she may communicate that information to HCTC’s Maintenance and Operations Team. Also, be sure to have family members bring their handicap parking sticker with them to show to those who will be directing parking.

Program Satisfaction Survey for Graduates

Graduates, please make sure to complete the program satisfaction graduate survey. This allows HCTC programs to make changes based on your experience while at HCTC and in your program of study.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Students

PTK students should contact their PTK advisor to arrange to pick up their stole and tassel; these items will be worn with the cap and gown during the graduation ceremony.

Graduation Attire for the Commencement Ceremony

Academic Attire is Required. You will need to purchase Graduation Attire online from the HCTC Bookstore so change your bookstore option to Hazard Community and Technical College-if necessary. You can also purchase your cap and gown directly from the HCTC Bookstore beginning Janaury 6, 2025. Contact Penny Francis, Manager, by email or by phone at (606) 487-3142 or (606) 436-1091, with any questions.

Your cap and gown should be blue; however, if you are a high school student who is also graduating from HCTC, you may wear your high school cap and gown.

Ordering your Graduation Attire online is highly encouraged to ensure the proper size is ordered. Orders CANNOT be taken over the phone. The last day to order graduation apparel to have delivered to the student's home address or for in-stre pick-up is April 10, 2025.

The Hazard Campus Bookstore is open daily, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., for ordering and picking up graduation attire. Once the product arrives at the Hazard Bookstore, the bookstore staff will contact those students who have ordered to make arrangements for pickup. Extra graduation attire will be available on-site at the bookstore until May 9, 2025, but not all sizes may be available. To ensure your size, order by April 10, 2025.

Graduation Photographs

Individual photos will be taken by the HCTC marketing team during the ceremony. These pictures will be posted on the HCTC Facebook Page by Monday following the ceremonies. HCTC will also live stream both ceremonies on May 4th. If you do NOT want your picture posted on the HCTC Facebook page, please contact Delcie Combs in the President's Office.

There will also be a backdrop set up at the front of The Forum where you may take your own pictures with family and friends before or after the ceremony.

For More Information or Mailing Address Change

For more information or if you have questions about commencement, you may contact Jessica Barger by email or by phone at 606-487-3532.

If you recently applied for graduation, check your self-service account now to ensure that HCTC has your correct mailing address on file. This is the address used to mail your degrees, diplomas, and certificates when we receive them from the printer. If you do make a change to your mailing address, please notify the Registrar’s Office by emailing Jessica Barger, at