Ready to Work | HCTC

KCTCS SNAP Alert Hazard All Campuses.

All HCTC Campuses will be closed Tuesday 2-18-25. All activities and classes, day and night, are cancelled.

Ready to Work

Assistance for Low-Income Parents

Ready to Work (RTW) is a partnership between the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and the KY Cabinet for Health & Family Services, Department for Community Based Services.


RTW is designed to assist low-income parents that are one of the following:

  • Enrolled at a KCTCS institution
  • A former KCTCS student seeking employment
  • Working with Kentucky Adult Education or on a high school diploma
  • Have a barrier to enrolling at KCTCS, such as student debt.

RTW offers:

  • Support as you balance family, work, and school
  • Work study opportunities that do not reduce certain public benefits
  • Advocacy and mentoring
  • Access to daycare and transportation assistance
  • Employment skills training

Contact your college RTW Staff to see if you may be eligible for RTW services. Funding for this program is provided by the Kentucky Department for Health and Family Services, Department for Community Based Services.


Contact Information

Ready to Work Coordinator
(Knott, Leslie and Perry Counties)

Ginger Carroll
Hazard Campus
One Community College Drive
Hazard, Kentucky 41701

Phone: 606-487-3646

Ready to Work Coordinator
(Breathitt, Lee, Owsley, and Wolfe Counties)

Joshua Gumm
HCTC Lees Campus
601 Jefferson Ave.
Jackson, KY 41339

Phone: 606-487-3417 

Ready to Work Coordinator (Knott, Leslie and Perry Counties)

Seth Lewis
HCTC-Technical Campus
101 Vo-Tech Dr.
Hazard, KY 41701                                                                                                                

Phone: 606-487-3556                                                                                                         