Veterans Services
At Hazard Community and Technical College, we coordinate federal and state education benefit programs for service members, veterans and eligible dependents through Veterans Services. Our office will assist you with your application for benefits and certify your enrollment to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Processing Office. Our office is located in the First Federal Building at the Hazard Campus: One Community College Drive Hazard, KY 41701.
Veterans Education Benefit Programs
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs administers various education programs that provide benefits to veterans, service members, and some dependents of disabled or deceased veterans who want to pursue an education. A description of each program and eligibility information is available at the Department of Veterans Affairs. If you need additional assistance, you may call the U.S. DVA toll free at 1-888-GI BILL (1-888-442-4551) to speak with a Veterans Benefits Counselor.
Applying for Benefits
If you have never received education benefits, you must submit an application to the U.S. DVA for a determination of eligibility. It may take up to 12 weeks for the DVA to process your application and notify you of their determination.
If you have received VA education benefits before but are now changing either your school or your program (major), you must complete and submit a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training form to your Veterans Services Coordinator.
If you are on active duty, a drilling reservist, or a member of the National Guard you may qualify for Federal or State Tuition Assistance (TA). Many of these programs are time-sensitive so the earlier you get things done, the smoother your benefits will go. Keep in mind that schools and other programs have their own deadlines as well.
Work with your respective branch of service if you plan to use Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA). Please use the following links for additional information.
Air Force
Coast Guard
Kentucky National Guard
Applicants and students must speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or Counselor prior to enrolling.
Kentucky Tuition Waiver Program
A waiver of tuition is an education benefit provided by the Commonwealth of Kentucky in recognition of military service of certain disabled or deceased Kentucky veterans. The tuition waiver is provided for children, stepchildren, adopted children, spouses, and un-remarried widows & widowers. An approved tuition waiver means a student may attend two-year or four-year schools, or vocational technical schools that are operated and funded by the Kentucky Department of Education.
Additional information about the tuition waiver program and how to apply is available at Kentucky Department of Veterans Services.