Requirements for Documentation | HCTC

KCTCS SNAP Alert Hazard All Campuses.

HCTC campuses will operate remotely Feb 20 and 21. Classes and services continue virtually. Register for classes by calling 487-3293

Requirements for Documentation

All documentation

  • Should be current, demonstrating the existence of a disability, and supporting the reasonable accommodations requested by the student.
  • Must be received from an individual qualified to diagnose the stated disability and must be written on professional letterhead or another professional format - a quick note on a prescription pad is not sufficient.
  • Documentation from any of the Qualified Professionals listed below is acceptable:
    • Medical Personnel: Doctor, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, etc.;
    • Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor;
    • Therapist: Occupational, Physical, Speech, etc.
  • Needs to include information about how the student's disability is currently impacting them and any special considerations and/or recommendations the provider may have for the student.
  • Is considered confidential and does not become a part of the student's academic record.

Specific Information Regarding Documentation for Learning Disabilities

Documentation for learning disabilities must be in the form of psychological/psychoeducational assessment. A copy of an Individual Education Plan(IEP) or other related documents are not sufficient documentation, although it is often helpful to provide copies of these items to assist the DS office in developing a plan of services, based on what has previously been successful for the student. Acceptable assessments must meet the following criteria:

  • Testing can only be performed by a qualified professional who is appropriately licensed/certified to conduct the assessments.
  • Evaluations have to be current. While a diagnosis of a learning disability is generally viewed as life-long, the severity of the condition can change over time, so all assessments must indicate the student's current performance.
  • Documentation must be comprehensive, including multiple types of tests, instead of relying on one test for diagnosis.
  • Assessment scoring and interpretation must provide specific evidence that a learning disability does or does not exist. Clear evidence of a substantial limitation to learning must be indicated.
  • Three specific areas must be addressed in the overall evaluation: 1) aptitude, 2) academic achievement, 3) and information processing.

If you are uncertain of whether the information you have is appropriate please contact the office and the coordinator will be happy to meet with you to review your documentation.

If you know that your testing is outdated, OR you suspect that you may have a learning disability but have never been tested, please contact the office. While HCTC does not have anyone on staff that is licensed to provide testing, we can make referral to some local providers.