Schedule a Placement Exam
Students may take a placement test during scheduled walk-in times or may call the Testing Center for an appointment.
On the Hazard Campus, the test is given at the Testing Center. The Testing Center is located in Room 211, First Federal Center. Contact one of the following by phone or email:
Dana Werstler: (855) 646-4282 ext. 73406
On the Lees Campus, the tests are given in room 102 in the Telford Building. Contact Bryan Combs at 666-7521 extension 73044
Students may begin testing according at the regularly posted times on any of the listed dates, except where otherwise noted. Students needing to retest must see the testing administrator prior to beginning the test. Please observe HCTC's hours of operation as testing times may vary due to inclement weather.
Testing Center Information
Hazard Campus
Location: First Federal Center Room 211
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Notes: By Appointment
Dates Available
Lees Campus
Location: Telford Room 102
Time: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Notes: By Appointment
Dates Available