Career Development | HCTC

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HCTC campuses will operate remotely Feb 20 and 21. Classes and services continue virtually. Register for classes by calling 487-3293

Career Development

Counseling sessions can be held in person at the Hazard Campus or all other HCTC Campuses via Skype appointment. Contact her for assistance and guidance in your career decisions.

Bobby Collins
College Career/Transfer Counselor
Hazard Community and Technical College
Phone: 606-487-3059

Career Assessments


Find your future career based on a self-assessment of your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.

Career Explorer

Career Explorer Instructions

*Currently works best with these browsers: Beta: Chrome, Firefox, or Safari*


For additional information on careers that interest you, visit the Career One Stop at and click on Learn About Careers under Explore Careers.

When you have completed the career assessments, contact the HCTC Career Counselor for an appointment to discuss your career directions. These appointments can be in person, on the phone or online.  The Career Counselor is available on the Hazard Campus in person or any campus by Microsoft Teams or Skype.



Career Counseling

Career decisions are not a complicated process. There are some steps that can help you to clarify what career directions are appropriate for you.

1. Who are you? By completing a career assessment on the KY Career Edge or Career One Stop website, you can determine your what you like (interests), what you can do well (abilities) and what you are looking for in a job (values).

Based on your answers, personalized results are then populated.  From there, drill deeper to find information related to specific majors and careers. Explore your options, and take notes on careers you are interested in finding out more about.

1.  Find out what careers are suited for you by completing career assessments on you interests, abilities and job values.

2. Meet with the Career Counselor for clarification of your assessment results and information on additional career resources.

3. Explore career choices and determine the salaries, outlooks, training and where you can obtain that training.

4. Make a career decision.

Career Resources

Career One Stop is an excellent resource with information on exploring careers, conducting a job search, and scholarships. You can also find help with resumes and interviews. Below are just a few points of interest from the site. I encourage you to get on this site and explore all it has to offer you. You'll be amazed at the career information you can find!

  • Compare Wages by Occupation and Local Area - With this tool, you can select several occupations, then select local areas including East KY. A page will be generated comparing the wages for those occupations for the locations you have selected. Information for the state as a whole and the U.S. as a whole is also included.
  • Occupations with Declining Employment in KY - Take a look at some areas that have been seeing a decline in employment in the state. Many of these may be becoming obsolete due to advances in technology. You don't want to be stuck in an occupation that will not provide you with employment opportunities.

Additional Career Information Sites:

The Kentucky Career Center

Occupational Outlook Handbook-Bureau of Labor Statistics

Kentucky Labor Market Information


Job Shadowing

Do you want to find out more about a career before you commit to a major?

Job shadowing involves following, or shadowing, a professional throughout a workday (or work week) to get a better idea of what a particular job involves. It's an ideal way to determine if you might really be cut out for a career -- or not. You may have always wanted to work as a nurse only to spend a workday with one and learn that you don't enjoying being on your feet all day.

To schedule an appointment for career counseling services, get additional career resources or to discuss job shadowing opportunities please contact:

Bobby Collins
College Career/Transfer Counselor
Hazard Community and Technical College
Phone: 606-487-3059