Emergency Response & Evacuation
Emergency Response Procedures
If you hear gun shots and are in immediate danger:
- Seek cover;
- Stay away from windows, doors, hallways, rooms that run together, stairwells and elevators. However, if you deem it possible, get out of the area;
- Call 911 immediately and give the location (building and room number) and the nature of the emergency;
- Call HCTC Crisis Management ext. 73235 to alert them as well.
If you are in an office or classroom or lab:
- If possible, keep others from exiting using hallways;
- Lock and barricade the door if the shooter is believed to be inside the building using
chairs, podium, tables, filing cabinets, etc. - Remain calm, and try and keep others calm as well.
Evacuation Procedures
There are emergency exit diagrams posted on the walls of each classroom, office, and hallway. Instructors should make students aware of these plans at the beginning of each semester, pointing out the exit door that applies to that location and the proper method by which to exit the room. Supervisors in the other rooms or offices are responsible for informing their employees of the exit plan for that location.
It is important to note that in some emergencies, employees must deviate from these instructions. Use common sense. For example, if smoke is present, employees need to begin evacuating even if the alarm has not been sounded.
- Upon notification that an evacuation is in progress, all faculty, staff, students and visitors will immediately use the nearest emergency exit and proceed to their designated assembly locations a safe distance from the building.
- In the event of a bomb threat, designated emergency response personnel should survey exit ways and designated assembly areas for suspicious items before allowing evacuation through and / or to these areas.
- In the event of a fire, the designated emergency response personnel and / or designate stairwell monitors should check for heat and smoke along the evacuation route to ensure the exit is safe and assist in the movement of people.
- Occupants should be instructed to take personal items such as backpacks, purses, etc. with them as they evacuate the building. Do not return to offices to retrieve personal items.
- Do not use elevators during the evacuation. They will be used by the appropriate emergency response personnel to evacuate those with mobility problems.
- All personnel will stay assembled by department until further instructions are received from their designated emergency response staff.
Individuals with Disabilities
As an individual with a disability you must:
- Identify yourself as having a disability.
- Get involved with the evacuation planning process. You are the expert on your own disability.
- Discuss with Faculty/Employer your abilities and needs as an individual with a disability in regards to evacuation (i.e. use a wheelchair, cannot walk unassisted, cannot hear alarm, cannot see, etc.)
- Use the "buddy system" for evacuation procedures, (i.e., to assist you to the most appropriate exit route or the nearest area of rescue.) Establish your "buddies" in each setting. "Buddies" could be co-workers, supervisors, faculty, classmates, or roommates.
- If unable to evacuate, ask your buddy to notify emergency responders of your exact location within the building.
- Know the safest method of lifting yourself from your wheelchair and proper carrying techniques. If you do not know, ask your medical professional. Only professionally trained individuals should attempt to lift you, unless you are in immediate danger.
- Determine the best evacuation option.