Workforce Transitions
What is Workforce Transitions?
Workforce Transitions is a KCTCS initiative designed to award college credit for job skills and training received on the job. Credit will be granted through HCTC or other certifying agencies.
For registration and advising assistance, please contact Keila Miller at 606-487-3287. Before officially entering a class, you may be asked to submit ACT scores (no older than 5 years) in order to determine course placement. For additional information regarding placement exams, click here.
In regard to educational expenses, you may choose to consider completing the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility to receive federal, state and institutional aid and or scholarships. An online FAFSA application is available for your convenience at fafsa.ed.gov. To find out more about financial assistance, we strongly encourage you to search the HCTC Financial Aid website.