K-TECH Apprenticeship | HCTC

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All HCTC Campuses will be closed Wednesday 2-19-25. All activities and classes, day and night, are cancelled.

Workforce Solutions

From more information about K-Tech, Contact

Tim Koogler, K-TECH Director
Hazard Community and Technical College
1 Community College Drive
Hazard, KY 41701
Office 606-487-3191

Kimberly Cunagin, Director of Program Facilitation

Hazard Community & Technical College
1 Community College Drive
Hazard, KY 41701
Office 606-487-3265

K-TECH Apprenticeship

What is K-TECH?

Kentucky Advanced Technical College High (K-TECH) is a grant-funded project awarded from the U.S. Department of Education. K-TECH partners with Hazard Community and Technical College, our local high schools, and the employers to place high school students (grades 9th through 12th) in STEM apprenticeships in high demand jobs within the Healthcare and IT Fields, based on employer needs. 

Watch our short view on an overview of the KTECH Program

See the frequently asked questions section below to fill out an application.

How does it work?

Starting in the 9th grade students will enter career exploration but do not do dual credit courses

Students will enroll into dual credit courses

Students are now apprentices. The students will begin their paid apprenticeship by gaining experience with hands-on training at the employer’s job site, while also continuing their dual credit classes.

Students will continue their paid apprenticeship at the employer’s job site, while also continuing their dual credit classes. At graduation, the students will be presented an apprenticeship honor cord and receive their industry certification, upon completion.   

Benefits of Participation

Enrolling in the dual credit classes the student will need to complete their apprenticeship will allow the student to gain both their necessary high school credits and college credits at the same time.

The hands-on job training the student receives during their apprenticeship gives them the skills they need to continue working in the field after graduating high school. These skills can be added to the student’s resume, and insures they have advanced skills when they become a part of the workforce. 

The dual credit classes and hands on training provided through the apprenticeship programs can ultimately result in an industry certification specific to the program. Seniors can graduate from high school already certified in their field of study. (Example: Certified Medical Assistant)

As a Junior and Senior in high school, apprentices will work in paid, part time employment at the employer’s location to fulfill their hands-on training. There is a possibility of full-time employment with the employers if there are job openings upon completion of the apprenticeship. 
The student apprentices in the KTECH program will be recognized at graduation ceremonies and presented with an apprenticeship honor cord. 

Apprenticeship Available

  • Community Health Care
  • Nursing
  • Medical Assistant
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Information Technology
  • Sonography
  • Telehealth Technician
  • Radiography
  • Surgical Technician
  • Central Services

Current Employer Partners

  • ARH (Hazard, Hyden, and Hindman)
  • Primary Care Centers of Eastern Kentucky (Hazard, Hyden, and Hindman)
  • UK Healthcare (Hazard and Hindman)
  • Hometown Pharmacy

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the guidance counselor at your high school to get enrolled in the dual credit classes you will need for your apprenticeship. 

Guidance counselors:

Hazard Independent High School- Jon Day ( jon.day@hazard.kyschools.us  )

Perry County Central High School- Sabrina Miller (606-439-5888)

Buckhorn High School- Denise Colwell (606-398-7176) 

Knott County Central High School- (school number: 606-785-3153)

Leslie County High School- Mary Feltner (606-672-1803) and Cynthia Collett        (606-672-1815)

Each apprenticeship program has a career pathway designed to guide the students to enroll in the necessary classes to attain the industry certification. See the links on this page for each apprenticeship career pathway. 

  • Community Health Worker
  • Medical Assisting
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy Tech
  • Surgical Technology

If during the school day- When the student’s shift is set to begin the high school will transport the student (via school bus) to the employer’s work location and return them back to school upon completion of the shift.

If after school or on weekends- The student will need to have their own transportation to and from the employer’s work location. 

If the student decides they are no longer interested in a specific career pathway, the student is not obligated to continue on that pathway. The student has the option change to a new career pathway as well. 

Contact Tim Koogler or Kimberly Cunagin 

Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm


Recordings of the summit are now available for viewing.