Workforce Solutions Courses & Events -Fall 2021
Free Online Classes
Click on the link below to register today for these free online classes
HCTC Workforce Solutions Free Classes Registration Form
For these courses and more, click on the link below to preregister. We are always updating our course offerings so visit us often.
BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS-(4 HOUR COURSE) Basic Computer Skills is a moderately paced, gentle introduction to technology designed for novice computer users. This class will cover starting and shutting down your computer; keyboarding techniques; right-click dialogue options; opening, closing, and managing files; copy, cut, paste; the internet and browsers; and an introduction to basic software programs. This course will be structured with ample time for participants to ask questions and practice.
INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT WORD-(4 HOUR COURSE) Microsoft Word is a word processing program that can be used to create basic to specialized documents. This introductory course will cover formatting, working with margins, tabs, spacing, and accessibility (ADA).
INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT EXCEL-(4 HOUR COURSE) Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program that can be used for storing, organizing, and manipulating data. This basic course will cover how to create worksheets, format sheets quickly and basic formula construction.
INTERMEDIATE EXCEL-(4 HOUR COURSE) This intermediate level class is designed for participants who have some prior experience with spreadsheets and/or Excel. This mini-course will cover view, linking cells, formulas, functions, VLOOKUP, and more.
ADVANCED EXCEL-(4 HOUR COURSE) This advanced level class will cover features including Pivot tables, additional VLOOKUP functionality, form fill-in, and conditional formatting.
PERSONAL SECURITY IN A DIGITAL WORLD Learn the fundamental strategies to protect your digital data while using electronic devices including passwords, banking and credit card information, and online store accounts.
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT-(4 HOUR COURSE) Participants will also learn crucial conflict resolution skills, including dealing with anger and using the Agreement Frame.Wherever two or more people come together, there is the possibility of conflict. This course will give participants a six-step process that they can use to modify and resolve conflicts of any size.
ESSENTIAL COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE-(4 HOUR COURSE) In this day and age, having effective communication skills in the workplace is essential. Some basic reasons why effective communication skills in the workplace are so important are based on professionalism and credibility. Regardless if an employee is considered management or a line worker, they should be able to construct and send effective emails and other specific forms and correspondence; possess skills necessary to manage conflict; and develop leadership and interpersonal skills for strong workplace relationships.
SOCIAL MEDIA BASICS-(4 HOUR COURSE) Learning how to interact on various social media platforms is crucial to surviving and thriving in this age of digital communications, especially for businesses. Learn the ins and outs of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and how they can be leveraged to promote your business.
Mine and Safety Training
HCTC offers the following mine-related training both on and off the worksite:
- Initial MET training
- Initial electrical training
- Initial underground and surface training
- Initial blasters training
- MET retraining
- Electrical retraining
- Underground and surface retraining
- Blasters retraining
- Hydraulic training on basic and advanced hydraulics trainers
- Electrical training on Joy and DBT electrical panels
- Allen Bradley PLC training on electrical panels
- The majority of training is available to companies and interested individuals. Contact Scott Elder at (606) 487-3325 for more information or to sign your employees up for training.
Surface/Underground Initial and Retraining Mine Classes
Surface and underground initial and retraining classes are offered monthly in the
evenings at the Technical Campus of HCTC.
Our Instructors are Vance Arnold and Paul Johnson.
Surface Retraining
Surface Initial
Electrical Retraining
MET Initial
MET Refresher Check back soon
Underground Retraining
Get 8 hrs. or 16 hrs. training. Must have KY Miner's Card
Underground Initial
New miners only
Contact Scott Elder for more information at (606) 487-3325.
OSHA 10 and 30 hour (General Industry) & (Construction)
OSHA 10 and 30 hour classes are being set for the Spring. For more information contact Scott Elder at (606) 487-3325.
HVAC, Electrical, or Plumbing Training
Looking for CEU's in HVAC, Electrical, or Plumbing Training? All courses will be held at the Devert Owens Building and contact Myla Barrett at (606) 487-3065 for more information.
Pharmacy Technical Skills Review
This class is a preparation class for the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (CphT). Students will review the math required, as well as knowledge in pharmacy law, reviews of medication, medical terminology, and other skills necessary to perform the duties of a Certified Pharmacy Technician. The cost of the class is $300.00 and the textbooks are approximately $135.00. For more information email Myla Barrett at (606) 487-3065. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited.
Ed2Go and Flex Study
More and more people in the community are enrolling in our various online classes. Try one! For a complete listing of classes and to register online, go to www.ed2go.com/hazard or www.flexstudy.com/hazardcc.
CPR Certification Classes
Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers
HeartSaver First Aid CPR AED
Contact Scott Elder at (606) 487-3325 for more information or to preregister for these courses.
Family & Friends CPR Class
Learn the basics of CPR and choking for adult, children, and infants. This is a participation class only, not a certification class. It is designed for community groups, churches, families, and anyone who does not need the actual certification. Contact Scott Elder at (606) 487-3325 for more information.
We Want to Hear From You!
Have an idea for a community education class? Have a talent that you would like to share by becoming an instructor? We want to hear from you! We are looking to add new classes in Leslie County and need your help. Contact Scott Elder at (606) 487-3325 today.