Radiography Pre-admission Conferences
Interested in a career in Radiography?
Here is a chance to learn about a career in radiography. Hazard Community and Technical
College and Southeast KY Community and Technical College announce the Regional Radiography
Program Pre-Admission Conference Schedule.
The conferences will be:
- Tuesday, October 9, 5 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Harlan Campus Conference Room 129
- Thursday, October 11, 3 p.m., Bailey-Stumbo Building, Room 230
- Thursday, October 18, 5 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Whitesburg Campus – Belinda Mason Bldg. Room 128.
- Thursday, November 1, 5 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Cumberland Campus – Godbey Hall Theatre
- Tuesday, November 6, 3 p.m., Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Pikeville Campus–Clayton Little Building, Room N219
- Wednesday, November 7, 3 p.m., Big Sandy Community and Technical College Prestonsburg Campus – PSEC Building, Room 222
- Tuesday, November 13, 4 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Whitesburg Campus – Belinda Mason Bldg. Room 235
- Monday, November 19, 5 p.m., Bailey-Stumbo Building, Room 230
- Tuesday, November 27, 3 p.m, HCTC Lees College Campus, Library Science Bldg. Room 202.
- Monday, December 3, 3 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Whitesburg
Campus – Belinda Mason Bldg. Room 235.
Conferences in 2019 are: - Monday, January 21, (MLK), 10 a.m., Bailey-Stumbo Building, Room 230
- Thursday, January 24, 4 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Whitesburg Campus – Belinda Mason Bldg. Room 128
- Tuesday, February 5, 6 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Whitesburg Campus – Belinda Mason Bldg. Room 235
- Monday, February 11, 5 p.m., Bailey-Stumbo Building, Room 230
- Wednesday, February 13, 4 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Cumberland Campus – Godbey Hall Theatre
- Tuesday, February 19, 4 p.m., Bailey-Stumbo Building, Room: 230
- Tuesday, February 19, 4 p.m., Southeast KY Community and Technical College, Harlan Campus – Conference Room 129
- Wednesday, February 20, 3 p.m., Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Prestonsburg
Campus – PSEC Building, Room 222.
A pre-admission conference is an informal group conference for the purpose of providing information. Students who attend a conference prior to March 1, 2019, will be considered for the Regional Radiography Program, pending completion of all admission requirements.
For additional information, please contact Homer Terry at (606) 487-3389 or Astor Halcomb at (606) 589-3310.