HCTC holds nursing program pre-admission conferences | HCTC

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HCTC holds nursing program pre-admission conferences

             Anyone interested in enrolling in the spring 2018 or fall 2018 associate degree nursing classes is invited to attend any of the pre-admission conferences at Hazard Community and Technical College (HCTC).

October 15, 2017, is the deadline to complete the admission process for the spring 2018 Associate Degree Nursing Class and February 1st is the deadline to complete the admission process for the for the Fall 2018 Associate Degree Nursing class.

The following one-hour conferences will be offered at the Technical Campus, located at 101 Vo-Tech Drive in Hazard: Monday, Sept. 18, 4 p.m.; Friday, Sept. 29, 2.; Tuesday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m.; Wednesday, Nov. 1, 4 p.m.; Wednesday, Jan. 17, 4 p.m., and Monday, Jan. 29, 10 a.m.

The Lees College Campus will hold one-hour conferences in the Life Skills Building in the Jefferson Room, 1127 Main Street in Jackson, on these dates: Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1 p.m.; Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1 p.m.; Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1 p.m.; Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1 p.m.

To be considered, a student must have a cumulative ACT score of 20 or better and a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or better. 

For additional information you may contact Christina Martin Christy.martin@kctcs.edu or Kathleen Couch kathleen.couch@kctcs.edu or 487-3164.