Other Pathways | HCTC

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Other Pathways

Colleges offering this program are on a strict two-year course rotation so the options available to students will vary where they fall in that course offering.

This pathway leads to 5 tracks; however, not all tracks are available at all institutions offering Agriculture courses.

  • Agriculture Business/Marketing
  • Agriculture Education
  • Agriculture Technology
  • Agronomy
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  1. AGR 240: Animal Science
  2. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers
  3. AGR 250: Introduction to Plants/Crop Rotation
  4. AGR 140: Issues in Agriculture
  5. BIO 112/113: Introduction to Biology & Lab
    BIO 114/115: Biology I & Lab
  6. Track Specific
  7. Track Specific
  8. MAT 110 or Higher: Applied Mathematics
  9. Track Specific
  10. Track Specific

Progression is contingent upon achievement of a grade of ā€œCā€ or better in each Criminal Justice course & maintenance of a 2.0 grade point average or better.

This pathway leads to 4 tracks; however, not all tracks are available at all intuitions teaching Criminal Justice Courses.

  • Corrections
  • Criminal Justice
  • Law Enforcement
  • Security & Loss Prevention
  1. CRJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice
  2. CRJ 202: Issues & Ethics in Criminal Justice
  3. CRJ 204: Criminal Investigations
  4. CRJ 216: Criminal Law
  5. CRJ 217: Criminal Procedures
    Certificate: Criminal Justice Core
  6. CRJ 230: Criminal Justice Courtroom Procedures
  7. COM 181: Basic Public Speaking
    COM 252: Intro. to Interpersonal Communication
  8. A) CRJ 208: Delinquency & the Juvenile Justice System OR
    B) CRJ 215: Intro to Law Enforcement
  9. A) CRJ 277: Intro to Criminology OR
    B) CRJ 102: Intro to Corrections
  10. General Ed: See course catalog for options

Students must earn a ā€œCā€ or higher in each of the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood courses in order to graduate. 

  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers
  2. IEC 101: Orientation to Early Childhood Education*
    Certificate: KY Childcare Provider
  3. IEC 102: Foundations of Early Childhood Education 
  4. IEC 130: Early Childhood Development
    Certificate: Child care assistant
  5. IEC 170: Observation & Assessment
  6. COM 181: Basic Public Speaking
    COM 252:
    Intro to Interpersonal Communication
  7. IEC 200: Child Guidance
  8. IEC XXX: Technical Support Elective Course 1
  9. IEC XXX: Technical Support Elective Course 2
  10. ENG 101: Writing I

 *Students are eligible to apply for the Commonwealth Credential upon completion of this course.