Child Care Options
HCTC has partnered with local child care providers to offer a limited number of vouchers
to assist HCTC students with the cost of child care while they are working and/or
in class. This program is provided through a grant from the Department of Education's
child care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program, and HCTC will verify
participants, eligibility based on
income, household size, first-generation or college ready status, and credit hour
load. At the beginning of each semester, the Academic Program Coordinator will interview
and select eligible participants.
During the selection notification and participant agreement execution, the Coordinator will clearly explain the requirements and expectations to participants as described in the agreement and listed below:
- participate in at least a minimum one parental involvement activity per semester (examples: volunteering for a school field trip, reading a story to children during designated Story Hour, or serving on a parent board or taking parenting education classes.)
- meet with an advisor each semester to schedule appropriate courses
- access services from the HCTC Success Zone
- complete a Graduation Plan
- apply to the Ready to Work Program
- remain in good academic standing
- maintain at least a half-time course load (6 credit hours)
- complete a FAFSA for the following year in a timely manner
- seek scholarship funds
- seek assistance from the Coordinator to quickly resolve issues with financial aid, course work, or personal issues
- notify the Coordinator of any significant changes that would disqualify the student from participation in the project
A wait list will be created for all eligible participants. All CCAMPIS project requirements, such as parental involvement, academic advising, academic standing, course load, will be assessed each semester to ensure continued eligibility. The student will lose his or her slot if he or she becomes ineligible. The next eligible student parent will be chosen from the wait list if this occurs. The Academic Project Coordinator will provide information regarding the above in addition to ensuring that participants understand the requirements and the sliding fee scale.
If you are interested in being considered for a child care voucher, please provide the information requested below and submit. Your contact information will be added to HCTC's Admissions Office Waiting List to be forwarded to the new Coordinator, Heather Watts, in January. The Director will contact you to collect official application information, so your application can be evaluated according to the eligibility requirements mentioned above.
Breathitt | Lee | Owsley | Wolfe |
Branson Head Start Center Address: 419 Court Street, Jackson, KY 41339 Telephone Number: (606) 666-4236 Address: 1930 Quicksand Road, Jackson, Ky 41339 Telephone Number:(606) 666-7634 |
Lee County Head Start Address: 49 Bull Mt Road, Beattyville, KY 41311 Telephone Number: (606) 464-3329 |
Owsley County Head Start/Early Head Start Telephone Number: (606) 593-5101 |
Wolfe County Head Start Telephone Number: (606) 668-7879 |
Leslie | Leslie | Knott | Perry |
Creative Minds Learning Center Address: 23211 KY-80, Hyden, KY 41749 Telephone Number: (606) 672-6000 Mountain View Head Start Address: 321 Mountain View Heights Hyden, Kentucky, 41749 Telephone Number: 606-672-1637 Hayes Lewis Head Start Address: 10130 Cutshin Rd, Yeaddiss, KY 41777 Telephone Number: (606) 279-3301 Leslie Early Head Start Address: 160 Maple St. Hyden, Kentucky, 41749 Telephone Number: 606-672-3990 |
Stinnett Head Start Address: 12975 HWY 421, Stinnett, KY 40868 Telephone Number: (606) 374-7710 WB Muncy Head Start Address:142 Pirate Dr, Wooton, Kentucky, 41776 Telephone Number: 606-672-2036 Leslie Early Head Start Address: 160 Maple St. Hyden, Kentucky, 41749 Telephone Number: 606-672-3990 |
Carr Creek Head Start/Early Head Start Address: 8596 Highway 160, Litt Carr, Kentucky 41834 Telephone Number: (606) 642-3960 Beaver Head Start Address: 8022 Highway 7 S Topmost, KY 41862 Telephone Number: (606) 447-2111 Perkins Head Start/ Early Start Temporarily being held in Perry County Head Start/ Early Start |
Children's House Montessori Address: 135 Memorial Drive, Hazard KY, 41701 Telephone Number: (606) 436-0567 New Beginnings Address: 151 Miss Edna Lane, Hazard, KY 41701 Telephone Number: (606) 439-0275 Perry County Head Start/ Early Head Start Center Address: 145 Citizens Lane, Hazard, KY 41701 Telephone Number: (606) 435-1888 Learn N Play Address: 151 E Main Street, Hazard, KY 41701 Telephone Number: (606) (606)-436-9812 |