Step-by-Step Guide

- The preferred method of payment is through a Visa purchasing card for small purchases.
- If vendor does not accept Visa, you will need to complete our Substitute W-9. It is a two page document, both pages must be completed. This will allow us to request a check from KCTCS System Office for payment or ACH electronic deposit payment.
- To Get Paid Faster, select the ACH electronic deposit payment option and complete that section on the Substitute W-9 form.
- The form must be printed, completed and signed by the vendor and returned to the College s Business Office by fax, 606-439-4305, email: sharon.collins@kctcs.edu , or mail to the College: HCTC Business Services, One Community College Drive, Hazard, KY 41701.
- A current certificate of liability insurance will be needed prior to the vendor doing any work on campus. See below for the insurance requirements.
- Once your company is added to our vendor list, we can issue Purchase Orders for larger purchases at the College and to any Kentucky Community and Technical College across the state.
OR to make it easier to do business with Hazard Community and Technical College, please go to the Diverse Supplier Collaboration Portal. This portal includes information to help you register as a New Vendor.
Insurance Requirements
Prior to the beginning of the contract, the contractor will furnish to KCTCS Purchasing Certificates of Insurance that show it has and will maintain all insurance protection (including products liability insurance) at the contractor's expense.
Minimum liability coverage must be:
- Public Liability -Comprehensive General Owners, Landlords and Tenants
- Bodily Injury Liability
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Each Occurrence $1,000,000
- Property Damage Liability $1,000,000
- Products Liability
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Each Occurrence $1,000,000
- Automobile Liability
- Bodily Injury
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Each Occurrence $1,000,000
- Personal Injury Liability
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Property Damage Liability $1,000,000
- Worker's Compensation Statutory
- Employers Liability $ 500,000
The Kentucky Community and Technical College System must be named as an additional insured in the policy for Comprehensive General Liability. In the event of failure by the contractor to maintain, in force, insurance coverage acceptable to KCTCS, KCTCS will have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the contractor. Copies of the Insurance Certificates are to be furnished to the KCTCS Purchasing Division. Modification of this requirement must be requested in writing with supporting statements, prior to the time of the bid submission.