Mission & Vision | HCTC

KCTCS SNAP Alert Hazard All Campuses.

HCTC campuses will operate remotely Feb 20 and 21. Classes and services continue virtually. Register for classes by calling 487-3293

Mission & Vision

A world-class leader in innovative learning


Hazard Community and Technical College empowers students by providing equitable educational opportunities that lead to student success, rewarding careers, and community enhancement.

Hazard Community and Technical College is a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System serving the needs of Southeastern Kentucky.

Mission Statement Approved by HCTC Board of Directors, August 14, 2008, February 16, 2012, November 12, 2015, May 5, 2018, Equitable added February 11, 2021, reviewed November 4, 2021 with no changes

Mission Statement Approved by KCTCS Board of Regents, September 26, 2008, June 15, 2012, December 4, 2015, June 15, 2018, March 19, 2021, reviewed and approved all KCTCS mission statements June 10, 2022


Hazard Community and Technical College inspires hope and transforms lives through progressive educational opportunities.

Vision approved by Presidents Leadership Team July 31, 2018.


Teaching and Learning supported through:

  • Community
  • Compassion
  • Empowerment
  • Equity
  • Excellence
  • Heritage
  • Hope
  • Innovation
  • Perseverance
  • Respect

Newly established values approved by the Presidents Leadership Team, Faculty and Staff October 18, 2022,  BOD endorsed newly revised values November 3, 2022

Strategic Planning

HCTC ensures that all its strategic initiatives align and work toward the mission and vision of the college. HCTC has aligned three primary goals.

HCTC Organization Success Objective 1.1:
HCTC will invest in human, physical, and operational infrastructure to promote long-term sustainability of HCTC. 

HCTC Strategy 1.1.1: (Human Resources) 
HCTC will deploy strategies to recruit, retain, and develop HCTC employees.

HCTC Strategy 1.1.2 (President/CEO/Operations/Technology Solutions/Business Services) 
HCTC will review the sustainability of operational facilities.

HCTC Organization Success Objective 1.2: HCTC will expand recognition of the value of HCTC.  

HCTC Strategy 1.2.1: (Advancement/President/CEO)
HCTC will continue sponsorship engagement to monetize relationships in supporting HCTC through strategic and recurring investments. 

HCTC Strategy 1.2.2: (Advancement/President/CEO/Workforce Solutions)
HCTC will seek funding from foundations, alumni, communities, and other external sources to support the goals and objectives in the 2022-2026 HCTC Strategic Plan.

HCTC Strategy 1.2.3: (Academic Services/Marketing/Student Services/Workforce Solutions)
HCTC will work with K-12 partners to enhance equity, recruitment, and marketing efforts to better engage K-12 teachers, counselors, parents, and students about the value and opportunities HCTC provides to obtain an affordable education that leads to employment in high-wage, high-demand occupations.

HCTC Employment Success Objective 2.1: HCTC will expand workforce training to ensure skilled talent to meet employer and economic development needs.  

HCTC Strategy 2.1.1: (Academic Services/Workforce Solutions)
HCTC will develop or enhance work-based learning (WBL) opportunities (short- and long-term) for each technical program of study, where applicable, to include apprenticeships, FAME-like models, internships, or clinicals.

HCTC Strategy 2.1.2: (Workforce Solutions)
HCTC will increase Workforce Solutions market penetration/expansion and business portfolio.

HCTC Employment Success Objective 2.2: HCTC will strengthen industry and transfer partnerships to enhance programs and improve speed to work to ensure a skilled talent pipeline to grow the HCTC service area economy.

HCTC Strategy 2.2.1: (Academic Services) 
HCTC will implement fair, equitable, and streamlined processes for awarding Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) through work with curriculum committees, employers, and other stakeholders.

HCTC Strategy 2.2.2: (Academic Services/Student Services)
HCTC will review/revise all general education and technical program/course student competencies to ensure relevancy and alignment with transfer and workforce requirements.

HCTC Learner Success Objective 3.1: HCTC will grow enrollment to meet the needs of the HCTC service region by expanding the number and diversity of learners achieving their career and lifelong learning goals.

HCTC Strategy 3.1.1: (Academic Services/Advancement/Marketing/Student Services/Workforce Solutions)
HCTC will increase enrollment and completion by reducing student financial barriers and simplifying admissions processes, with a special focus on adult and underrepresented populations, and previous dual credit high school students. 

HCTC Strategy 3.1.2: (Academic Services/Student Services/ Workforce Solutions)
HCTC will increase public awareness of the affordability of HCTC through the marketing of the Work Ready Kentucky and Dual Credit Scholarships (KHEAA), with a special focus on adult and underrepresented populations.

HCTC Strategy 3.1.3: (Academic Services)
HCTC will provide better support for entering students through first-year experience and co-requisite courses to become college ready, to equip them with tools to meet the demands of higher education, and to guide them to their desired credential pathway.

HCTC Strategy 3.1.4: (Academic Services/Student Services)
HCTC will enhance college recruitment strategies through partnerships with postsecondary institutions and other stakeholders, with attention to underrepresented minorities, adult, and low-income students.

HCTC Learner Success Objective 3.2: HCTC will leverage proven practices to increase learner success through the completion of credential pathways and (credit and non-credit) industry training, including transfer to four-year institutions and employment entry, re-entry, or upskilling.

HCTC Strategy 3.2.1: (Academic Services) 
HCTC will develop relevant and scalable high-quality, flexible program delivery models (online, hybrid, and face-to-face) to increase program recruitment, retention, and completion.

HCTC Strategy 3.2.2: (Academic Services/Student Services)
HCTC will develop guided pathways proven practices (recruitment to completion) to provide wrap-around learner services focused on successful transfer and/or employment.