Want to start a small business?
Efforts are underway to help start small businesses. Entrepreneurs are encouraged
to contact Samuel R. Coleman, Director of the Southeast Kentucky Small Business Development
Center, based in Middlesboro; Michael Ashcraft, Economic Development Specialist, with
the SBA in Louisville; or Dr. Jennifer Lindon, HCTC Occupational Technologies Dean.
The Small Business Administration and Hazard Community and Technical College (HCTC)
are partnering to help entrepreneurs start a business. Information about creating
a business plan, loan programs, and counseling services are offered by the SBA. The
SBA helps people to start, build, and grow profitable businesses by addressing access
to capital, entrepreneurial development, government procurement and exporting, and
small business advocacy.
Samuel R. Coleman, Director of the Southeast Kentucky Small Business Development Center, based in Middlesboro, spoke at HCTC on July 30, along with Michael Ashcraft, Economic Development Specialist, with the SBA in Louisville. Dr. Jennifer Lindon, HCTC Occupational Technologies Dean, said HCTC is happy to assist those wanting to start their own business. HCTC is committed to promoting entrepreneurship in the region, she said.
Loans up to $5.5 million are offered. To learn more, visit the SBA website at sba.ogv/for-lenders to see about services available.