Practical Nursing Students Host Health Fair
Hazard Community and Technical College s (HCTC) Practical Nursing Students hosted
a Health Fair on April 8, at Walmart in Hazard. The students partnered with the Kentucky
River District Health Department, Hazard ARH Medical Center, and Primary Care in Hazard
to provide the Health Fair. These healthcare facilities assisted in making this Health
Fair a huge success. HCTC Nursing Faculty, Beverly Smith, RN, MSN, the students and
their community partners served 109 participants within a 6 hour period of time. The
participants received health education and health care services including: Blood Sugar
and Cholesterol Screening, Bone Density Testing, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Pulmonary
Function Testing, Stroke Education, literature on Smoking Cessation, Diabetes Education,
BMI check and written health information. This project provided the students with
an opportunity to practice health promotion in collaboration, with experienced personnel
from major providers in the community, to enhance their preparation as practical nurses
upon completion of the Practical Nursing Program. The Practical Nursing Program is
offered at the Technical Campus of Hazard Community and Technical College.
For additional information about the programs, contact Donna Combs, Nursing Program Coordinator at 487-3103 or donna.combs@kctcs.edu.