Nursing Graduates at Lees College Campus Achieve 100% pass rate | HCTC

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Nursing Graduates at Lees College Campus Achieve 100% pass rate

nurseThe Hazard Community and Technical College May 2015 ADN (registered nursing) class at the Lees College Campus has achieved a 100 percent pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner and Donna Combs, Nursing Program Coordinator, congratulated the students for their success and praised the HCTC nursing faculty members for their excellence in the classroom.

NCLEX-RN is the national examination for the licensing of registered nurses in the United States. After completion of the nursing program requirements from a school of nursing, a graduate may take the NCLEX-RN and if successful become a licensed registered nurse. A registered nursing license is granted by a state upon successful completion of the NCLEX-RN.

The next opportunity to be admitted to the ADN (registered nursing) program at HCTC is for fall 2016 and the deadline to complete the application process is February 1, 2016.

Anyone interested in the nursing program may contact Donna Combs, Nursing Program Coordinator, for information at 606-487-3103.