Kentucky Adult College Readiness Month
Lee County Judge Executive Steve Mays is signing a proclamation in support of Governors
Bevin s proclamation for April as Kentucky Adult College Readiness Month. Standing,
from left, are Lee County Schools Board Chairperson Williams Owens, Superintendent
Dr. Jim Evans, Lee County Adult Education Center Program Director Cheryl Botner, Dr.
Juston Pate, Hazard Community and Technical College interim president, and HCTC s
Doug Fraley.
Kentucky Adult Education and the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority launched a partnership on April 1 aimed at helping qualified adults transition or return to college or technical school. As part of the outreach, Governor Matt Bevin recently proclaimed April as Kentucky Adult College Readiness Month.
The partnership provides college-going adults with training and resources, ranging from free academic instruction for those who want to brush up on college-prep skills to webinars geared toward navigating the college environment and paying for college, including filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
We are very grateful to have Kentucky Adult College Readiness month recognized by
Governor Bevin to help build awareness of the importance of adults transitioning or
returning to postsecondary education, said Reecie Stagnolia, vice president for adult
education, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.
By 2020, 63 percent of all jobs in Kentucky will require some level of postsecondary
education, ranging from certifications, to associate or bachelor s degrees. Higher
levels of education lead to increased employment and improved earning opportunities,
said Stagnolia.
KHEAA Executive Director Carl Rollins added, KHEAA looks forward to working with KYAE to help the state s adults realize not only that they may need more education to reach their career goals but also that Kentucky has the resources to help them obtain that education. A more highly trained workforce will help the Commonwealth attract new business and industries that will make life better for Kentuckians.
Kentucky Adult Education programs offer free classes in all 120 counties to help qualified individuals earn a GED diploma, Kentucky Essential Skills Certificate or National Career Readiness Certificate and/or prepare for postsecondary training, college and career. KHEAA s mission is to expand educational opportunities by providing financial and informational resources that enable Kentuckians to attain their higher educational goals.