Its working for me -- Praise for UCM
Wendy Pace tried going away to college after she graduated from Perry County Central in 2009 but it just didn t work for her. What is working for her is the University Center of the Mountains, based in the Jolly Classroom Center of Hazard Community and Technical College.
She is enrolled at Morehead State University, studying Middle School Education, and takes her classes through the UCM.
The UCM has helped me in a tremendous number of ways, she said. Not only am I able to attend Morehead but I am able to stay close to home in doing so. If I have any questions or concerns about anything I never hesitate to ask someone in the UCM, and they always help me out, whether it be getting papers sent to the main campus, having a tutor, or getting exams proctored, she said.
The UCM staff members have pushed me to better myself and the help is there and offered if I need it, Pace noted.
Her interest in education is evident through her work as a substitute teacher for Perry County Schools. Her dedication to seeing other students succeed is also evident through her contacts with others. I would definitely recommend HCTC and the UCM to others. As I talk to other college students or high school students, I always try to inform them about the UCM and what they have to offer, especially with those students that plan on going to HCTC and don t want to leave home, she said.
We enjoy working with our Morehead State University partner s education department. They work with our students to ensure student teaching placement in schools within our region, while also allowing students to complete observation hours in public schools close to home, explained Dr. Deronda Mobelini, UCM Director. This requires extra effort and collaboration on a regional level between our public schools and our four-year regional university; the result is improved access and additional support to our education students working toward a bachelor s degree. That is a win-win for all of us! Mobelini added.
Ms. Pace earned an associate in arts and associate in science degrees from HCTC. She is glad she got her start in Hazard and then was able to continue to take classes there.
Wendy is the daughter of William and Patsy Pace. William is retired from teaching in the Auto Body program at HCTC s Technical Campus. My parents drive me to be the best that I can be, and believe in me. I can do anything I set my mind to; sometimes I just need a little extra push and without such a strong support system I wouldn t be where I am today.
Interested in enrolling for a bachelor or master s degree through the UCM? Partners
have awarded more than 1,000 degrees to local students since 2004. Call Dr. Mobelini
at (606) 487-3252.