HCTCs Plummer honored with the John Brown Outstanding Faculty
HCTC has named Professor Cindy Plummer recipient of the John Brown Outstanding Faculty award for her work as Human Services Coordinator. Mrs. Plummer also is recognized for her work with a student organization which sponsors Drug Forums, Domestic Violence Awareness activities, and Grandparents Raising Grandchildren conferences.
HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner noted, Cindy Plummer does a wonderful job of going beyond the classroom to help her students learn. Many graduates from her program choose social work or human services as a career and the conferences she has arranged provide an ideal learning experience for students and professionals.
In addition to her role as Program Coordinator and teacher, Mrs. Plummer has served as the system level chairperson of the Human Services Curriculum Committee. She has also worked out a transfer agreement for her students with the Social Work Programs at Eastern Kentucky University in Social Work and Lindsay Wilson College in Human Services, allowing HCTC students to complete a four- year degree in Social Work. Cindy was also involved in the KCTCS pilot group attending Content Literacy training over a period of 16 months, and later built on that concept to develop Teacher Talk sessions to share expertise with her colleagues at the college.
Most recently, Mrs. Plummer was involved in developing a new Enhanced Nurse Aide certificate program in cooperation with the Allied Health program to qualify students to work one-on-one with the growing number of people in our area who need in-home or institutional care.
Carolyn Bush, Division Chair, noted, I find her to be a tireless advocate for her students and their success. When presenting the award, Dr. R. Kathy Smoot, Provost and Vice President of Academic Services, noted that she could think of no faculty member who deserved the recognition more. Cindy consistently exemplifies the qualities most sought in an outstanding faculty member and professional colleague.