HCTC to receive grant for Learning Outcomes Assessment
Hazard Community and Technical College is one of 68 institutions in nine states to
pilot a new approach to Learning Outcomes Assessment. The Association of American
Colleges and Universities (AACamp;U) and the State Higher Education Executive Officers
Association (SHEEO) announced today the 68 institutions including both 2-year and
4-year institutions.
HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner noted, We re happy to be participating in the Multi-State
Collaborative to Advance Learning Outcomes Assessment (MSC), which is supported in
its initial planning year with funds from the Bill amp; Melinda Gates Foundation.
It s important to assess students work with a common approach and we will learn from
this process, Dr. Greiner said.
The pilot project will test a cross-state and cross-institutional effort to document
how well students are achieving key learning outcomes like quantitative reasoning,
written communication, and critical thinking by assessing authentic student work products
using a set of common rubrics. Faculty members across the 68 institutions will be
sampling and assessing students work and establishing the reliability and validity
of cross-institutional assessment using this new approach. During its initial year,
the project will be building faculty assessment capacity and collecting student work
products. The project will also be developing a Web-based data platform for uploading
student work samples and assessment data.
Besides Kentucky, the eight states currently participating in the MSC include: Connecticut,
Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Utah.