HCTC success story: Patricia Seeba
Patricia Seeba finished the ninth grade, got married, had two children, and made money
by detailing cars, baking cakes, making jelly. After a bad marriage, she had to depend
upon federal assistance for housing and food. She looks forward to her future without
needing help and that s all possible because she is enrolled at Hazard Community and
Technical College in the Cosmetology Program. At age 52, she looks forward to the
day she can start styling hair and maybe one day own her own business. She hopes to
be styling hair until she s 75.
Patricia went 30 years without being in a classroom but she credits others who gave her encouragement each time she said, I m too old. She enrolled in the spring 2013 semester at HCTC but an illness kept her from finishing. She s thankful to HCTC s Director of Accessibility Services Melissa Johnson who was able to get assistance to her to finish her classes and sparked her interest in the Cosmetology Program. She fondly speaks of Sandy Creech of the GED Department. She was my great encourager to get my GED and then go on to college; without her I would've never done it.
She appreciates case worker Marsha Hall of the Knott County Food Stamp office, who then introduced her to HCTC Ready to Work Coordinator Sandy Campbell. The Ready to Work Program has made it possible for me to continue my education and fulfill my dream, Patricia said. I know there are a lot of women out there in bad situations but with these programs it is possible to make a new life for them and their family.
The change Patricia has made in her life has had a positive influence on her children. Her son, Michael, is enrolled in the HCTC Diesel Program and is learning from faculty member Jimmy Caudill. By me helping myself, I ve helped my son and I m seeing my daughter, Alana, (age 15) is motivated to succeed, she said.
Ready to Work did everything for me. Sandy Campbell has been wonderful and very encouraging. Patricia said she is very thankful to be in the cosmetology program. I love people and I love to make them feel better and look beautiful. I'm excited about my career! I give God all the credit and I thank Him for using HCTC, the Ready to Work Program and the great encouragers along the way. I advise other people to press past the hard times, look for the people that are in your life that will help you. God really does make all things new. God used the Ready to Work Program to make it possible and I'm very thankful.
Want to be the next HCTC success story? Call about enrolling at (606) 487-3102.