HCTC success story: Maxine Ritchie
Maxine Ritchie has a lot to be thankful for and she's especially thankful for her education from HCTC. She said when her husband was disabled in 2000, she was fortunate that she had a job and could keep the family afloat.
Mrs. Ritchie obtained her nursing degree from HCTC in 1998 and is now a Diabetic Coordinator for the Kentucky River Health Department.
"I am from a family of nine children and the only one with a college degree. I got married at age 17 and had two sons - when I was 18 and then at age 21. After my sons were in college I figured it was time to do something with my life. I started college and never looked back," she said.
"HCTC gave me the chance to complete my education at home at a tuition rate that made it possible for me to complete a degree. I think HCTC is great. It has a beautiful campus. I really appreciated the small classrooms and staff that really are there for the students. The faculty feel more like a family. They really care and want you to be successful."
HCTC Nursing Coordinator Donna Combs noted, "Maxine is making a great difference in the quality of life for many individuals and families who are coping with diabetes. Through care and education, her clients become more involved in self-management and control of their diabetes. Because of her knowledge, skill and caring, Maxine provides a great service to our community."
Mrs. Ritchie said she would recommend HCTC to others. "It keeps the cost of your education at a level that prevents paying for many years following graduation."
Mrs. Ritchie and her husband Floyd Kenneth Ritchie are the parents of Reggie (Della) and Jeffrey Ritchie and grandparents to Krista and Kali.
Want to be a success story? Call about enrolling at HCTC at 487-3102.