HCTC success story: MaKenzie Roark | HCTC

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HCTC success story: MaKenzie Roark

MaKenzie RoarkGraduating debt free from Hazard Community and Technical College and getting a quality education without having to leave family are two important considerations for MaKenzie Roark. She s happy she graduated in December 2014 with an associate degree in nursing and she s enjoying her job as a Registered Nurse for Hazard ARH. She is a circulating nurse in the operating room and before that she worked in the Cardiac Stepdown Unit in the Joe Craft Tower.

MaKenzie highly recommends HCTC to others because You can get the exact same degree but for thousands of dollars cheaper.

She is currently working on her bachelor s degree and her future plans are to complete a master s degrees and then becoming a nurse practitioner.

Being a nurse has been a lifelong dream for MaKenzie. She remembers even as a little girl, nursing was the profession for her. I've always wanted to help people. And by being a nurse I get to help people every day. I m glad my line of work involves helping a family cope with the loss of a loved one or by bringing a patient out of surgery and letting them know they were okay, she said.

She is a 2011 graduate of The June Buchanan School in Knott County.

I'm glad that I chose HCTC as my college of choice. I was able to save money while getting a degree that I could use in my community. I graduated debt free and was able to go straight to work with no worries of not finding a job, she said.

I am thankful for my college experience thanks to HCTC, she said.

Want to become the next success story? Call today about enrolling for the spring semester.