HCTC Success Story: Greta Roberts | HCTC

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HCTC Success Story: Greta Roberts

Greta RobertsSmall class sizes and a friendly family atmosphere are two reasons Greta Roberts was attracted to earning her nursing degree from Hazard Community and Technical College.

Greta was working as a Medical Technologist at Clark Regional Medical Center when she decided that she wanted to go back to school to become a Registered Nurse (RN). After looking at a few different schools, I really liked HCTC and decided to come back home to be closer to family, she said.

She graduated in spring 2004 with an Associate of Applied Science degree, and she very much enjoys her job as an RN for Jackson Medical Clinic, a subsidiary of Kentucky River Medical Center.

Ms. Roberts said she would recommend HCTC to anyone thinking about going to college, especially first-time college students. Going to HCTC will let you get your degree closer to home and you will be better prepared to transfer to a larger college, she said, adding that she really enjoyed the classes and the instructors she had at the Lees College Campus. The instructors were always helpful and made time for me whenever I needed them or had questions. I was able to get a lot of one-on-one attention with the smaller class sizes, she noted.

Future career goals include completing her bachelor s degree in nursing.

Greta, of Jackson, is a 1993 graduate of Breathitt High School. She is married to Brad Roberts and the couple has a nine-month-old son, Alex Bradley Roberts. She is the daughter of Alfred and Mary Deaton of Jackson.

Interested in becoming the next HCTC success story? Call today about enrolling for the spring 2017 semester.