HCTC Sonography program receives natl accreditation
The HCTC Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program has received word of its national accreditation. The vote was taken in November by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in Clearwater, Florida.
Hazard Community and Technical College graduated its first class in December 2010; one graduating class was a requirement for the accreditation. The recent peer review conducted by CAAHEP recognizes the program s substantial compliance with the nationally established standards. This status will continue through November 2016.
Sonography Program Coordinator Melissa Couch noted that this ruling means HCTC graduates earning credentials in Sonography can work anywhere in the nation. Also, graduates from an accredited program are usually paid more.
HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner praised Mrs. Couch in achieving this significant approval. Mrs. Couch has done a tremendous job in creating a top rated program. We appreciate her work along with the assistance of Homer Terry, Radiography Coordinator, for a job well done, Dr. Greiner said.
For additional information, please contact Melissa Couch at (606) 487-3505, or 1-800-246-7521, extension 73505.