HCTC Recognizes Local Benefactors at Presidents Gala | HCTC

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HCTC Recognizes Local Benefactors at Presidents Gala

Dr. R. Kathy Smoot, Bob Smoot, with Dr. Greiner and Dr. McCallRoy H. Drinkard of Cullman, Al and Robert L. and R. Kathy Smoot of Jackson were among 31 individuals, businesses and foundations honored by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and Hazard Community and Technical College during the 2014 President s Gala and Benefactors Awards Dinner in Lexington on November 2.

The annual gala, a black-tie affair brings together college, business and state leaders to recognize some of KCTCS colleges most loyal and committed donors. Each year, Hazard Community and Technical College has the opportunity to recognize at least two of its outstanding donors.

We are grateful to Roy Drinkard and to Dr. R. Kathy Smoot, and her husband, Robert Smoot, for being so generous to the college, said HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner. Having friends of the College like Mr. Drinkard and Dr. and Mr. Smoot is so very important and we are appreciative of their interest.

Drinkard is a longtime businessman and real estate developer with numerous shopping centers in several states, including Hazard where he owns, manages, and has developed several properties. When Drinkard learn about the BuildSmart Campaign at HCTC, he made the first gift to the campaign to build the Intergenerational Center at the Lees College Campus in Jackson.

The Smoots believe in supporting higher education and do so through both their careers as educators and their philanthropy. Bob is retired from HCTC as a professor of business management where he taught for more than ten years; Dr. Smoot serves as the Vice President of Academic Services/Provost. The couple has supported the college financially throughout their tenure, including the annual funding of the Smoot Allied Health Scholarship, named in recognition of their daughter Dr. Sunshine Smoot, a local pediatrician who now continues their legacy of giving. Year after year, the Smoots have given to various college needs and/or initiatives, repeatedly demonstrating their generosity. Dr. Smoot recently commented, We are so very blessed to be part of an educational enterprise that truly changes lives every day.