HCTC presents service awards to employees
Employees were honored by Hazard Community and Technical College recently for completing
five, ten, 15, 20, and 25 years of service.
Those honored for completing 25 years of service are: Bobby Collins of Bonnyman, Coordinator of Financial Aid; James Dixon of Blackey, Professor; Andrea Johnson of McRoberts, Professor; Deronda Mobelini of Hazard, Professor; Ron Reed of Hazard, Professor; and Carla Seals of Hazard, Director of Advancement.
Those honored for completing 20 years of service are: Helen Brunty of Letcher, Associate Professor; Venita Caldwell of Hyden, Professor; Sabine Globig of Hazard, Professor; Ludrenia Hagans-Shepherd of Sassafras, Professor; Susan Johnson of Hazard, Professor; Scott Lucero of Hazard, Professor; Rosetta Patterson of Hazard; Administrative Assistant; Jenny Williams of Hazard, Professor; Sherry Woods of London, Professor.
Those honored for completing 15 years of service are: Tracy Bowling of London, Professor; Christy Cornett of Emmalena, Associate Professor; and Sharon Stewart of Hazard, Professor.
Those honored for completing ten years of service are: Tony Back of Premium, Associate Professor; Carolyn Bush of Bonnyman, Associate Professor, Dee Dee Campbell of Hazard, Library Specialist; Jesse Campbell of Cornettsville, Associate Professor; Jerry M. Combs of Hazard, Associate Professor; Odessa Evans of Hazard, Student Services Assistant; Sheri Fugate of Jackson, Custodial Worker; Roy Herald of Talbert, Maintenance Worker; Bobby Nicely of Confluence, Facilities Management Team Leader;
Those honored for completing five years of service are: Curtis Burch Jr. of Bowling Green, Assistant Professor, Anthony Combs of Ary, Maintenance Worker; James Couch of Mayking, Maintenace Worker; David Eversole of Vicco, Maintenance Worker; Patti Fisher of Hazard, Payroll Specialist; Charles Hoskins of Asher, Information Technology Coordinator; Dwayne Jones of Viper, Maintenance Worker; JP Mathes of Johnson City, Tenn. Assistant Professor.
HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner and Vice President of Academics/Provost Dr. R. Kathy Smoot expressed appreciation to all the employees for their continuous years of dedicated service.