HCTC Nursing Program attracting students
The Hazard Community and Technical College Nursing Program has seen great success
through the years and students are encouraged to apply for upcoming classes. The program
has more than 175 students currently enrolled and about 95 to 100 students graduate
from the program each year. A total of 36 Registered Nurse students are expected to
graduate this December 2012. Jobs are available and more jobs are expected to become
available when the ARH wing opens.
Nursing faculty members have both clinical and classroom knowledge and experience and work to provide the best learning opportunities possible. Hospitals throughout the region cooperate in providing clinical learning experiences. Students who complete the two-year program have options of immediately entering the work force or continuing their education at regional universities and colleges.
The HCTC Nursing Program (on all campuses) is on full approval by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN which approves Nursing Programs throughout Kentucky. This approval status was published most recently in the fall KBN news bulletin that was mailed to all nurses in Kentucky and others in October. The following link is to the news bulletin and approval status for all Kentucky nursing programs; HCTC is listed on page 13.
Students who want to be considered for the fall 2013 Nursing Class must attend a pre-admission conference. March 1, 2013 is the deadline for students to complete the application process and to submit all required documents to the HCTC Admission Office for the nursing program application file. The following group pre-admission conferences are scheduled:
Tuesday, January 8 at 10 a.m. at HCTC s Lees College Campus in the Van Meter Gym; Wednesday, January 9 at 10 a.m. at the Technical Campus in the Devert Owens Building Multi-Purpose Room; Tuesday, January 29 at 3 p.m. in the Lees College Campus Van Meter Gym; Wednesday, January 30 at 3p.m. at the Technical Campus Devert Owens Building Multi-Purpose Room; Tuesday, February 12 at 4 p.m. at the Technical Campus in the Devert Owens Building Multi purpose Room; Wednesday, February 13 at 3 p.m. in the Lees College Campus Van Meter Gym.
In addition to attending the pre-admission conference, the following documents must be submitted to the HCTC Admissions Office prior to March 1 to complete the applicant file: Application for admission to Hazard Community and Technical College. This must be updated on an annual basis; Official high school transcript (with graduation date) indicating that the applicant has or will complete a high school course of study or a passing GED official score report; Official Transcripts of all post-secondary education or training; Results of the National American College Test (ACT).
For additional information please contact Donna Combs donna.combs@kctcs.edu or Kena
Mullins kena.mullins@kctcs.edu at (606) 487-3519 or Kathleen Couch kathleen.couch@kctcs.edu
at (606) 487-3164.