HCTC mourns loss of Professor Fulton | HCTC

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HCTC mourns loss of Professor Fulton

Lou Vera FultonHCTC is mourning the loss of Professor Lou Vera Fulton who died January 1 following 28 years of teaching students.

Professor Fulton loved her job and considered herself blessed to have the opportunity to teach HCTC students in computer and business classes. She started at the College in 1983 as an instructional specialist and was promoted through the years to full professor. She held both a master s degree and bachelor s degree from Morehead State University.

HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner said Mrs. Fulton was held in high esteem by her students and colleagues who appreciated her kindness and her dedication to helping students. We extend our deepest sympathies to her family and the large number of people who called her a friend.

Students gave her high praise for her ability in the classroom. I think she is an awesome teacher, noted one student, while others wrote about the ideal learning environment she created in the class and how she would work diligently to make sure students understood the material presented. Further comments are being posted on the College s Facebook account, where one student shared She was undoubtedly one of the nicest professors I ever had.

Mrs. Fulton, of Letcher County, was born Feb. 25, 1952 in Deane, Kentucky.

She was preceded in death by her husband, David. She is survived by three sons David, Jordan, and Shiloh. Other survivors are two grandchildren, a sister, and three brothers.

The funeral was held January 3 and she is buried at the Willie Bentley Cemetery.