HCTC honors Misty Feltner with outstanding staff award | HCTC

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HCTC honors Misty Feltner with outstanding staff award

HCTC graphic designer Misty Feltner has been named the New Horizon Outstanding Support Staff award recipient. She will be honored by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System at a statewide conference.

HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner said, The entire look of our publications is enhanced because of the work of Misty Feltner. She has a real talent for creating beautiful art. She is truly deserving of this award.

Mrs. Feltner worked part time for six years and then in December 2008 she was named to full-time status to work in the HCTC Document Production Center. She won an award from KCTCS for her logo design for the Kentucky School of Bluegrass and Traditional Music. She also has won silver and bronze awards for her layout and design work.

Prior to joining the college, she worked for four different newspapers and worked at WYMT in the Production Department.

I m always in search of a more efficient, productive way to do everything, noted Mrs. Feltner, who is accustomed to working under tight deadlines from the news business. Her work serves many different areas of the college, including academics, admissions, advertising, the performing arts, the Challenger Center, and UCM. Our brand identity is very important and I want to make sure everything has a consistent look, Mrs. Feltner noted.

Misty and her husband, Elmer, live at Viper.