HCTC honored by Gov. Beshear with ACT award
HCTC has been chosen as the first Kentucky recipient of the ACT College and Career
Readiness Career Preparedness Award. Four awards were presented Monday, April 15
in Frankfort by Governor Steve Beshear and Education Commissioner Terry Holliday recognizing
exemplary college and career readiness efforts of an employer, a community college,
a district or school, and a student. HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner accepted the
To be selected community colleges must have ACT Job Profilers, offer WorkKeys Assessments and KeyTrain, and demonstrate strong capacity for building relationships with local employers. Among ACT-tested enrollees, colleges must have demonstrated first-year retention rates above what is predicted. In all categories reported by ACT, HCTC students were retained and transferred to 4-year institutions at higher rates than predicted from entering test scores. Of particular importance is the retention rate of underprepared students (63 percent which is above expected retention rates) and overall success of entering students (68 percent which also is above expected success rates of students).
Dr. Greiner told employees that he was honored to accept this award on behalf of the outstanding work of HCTC faculty and staff. He praised employees for supporting students success and their continued commitment to excellence.
Gov. Beshear said, From preschool to career, getting students ready to take the next step is vital not only to their future but Kentucky s future. Our ability to create and maintain an energetic and highly trained workforce depends on that preparation. Education is the single-biggest factor in determining long-term success for our state whether success is defined by the quality of life for our people, the stability of our economy, or the competitive strength of our business sector.
The other Kentucky winners announced April 15 were: Citi of Florence, Ky., Workplace Success Award; Murray High School (Murray Independent), College and Career Transition Award; and Devin O Neil Morton, Student Readiness Award A senior at Lafayette High School (Fayette County).