HCTC holds mock emergency | HCTC

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HCTC holds mock emergency

man posing as a shooterA mock emergency today at the Hazard Campus of Hazard Community and Technical College showed that faculty and students knew how to stay safe if an emergency situation arose. In cooperation with the Hazard Police Department, a gunman came into the lobby of the Jolly Classroom Center shooting at employees and students.

The victims appeared to be random. Hazard Police participated to check their own response time to an emergency as well as the college s preparedness. Hazard Police Chief Minor Allen met with the HCTC Crisis Management team following the exercise and praised the responses. The shooter tried to get into various classrooms and offices but he was unable to do so. You all should be commended for your work, Chief Allen said.

Fred Landrum, who chairs the Crisis Management Team, said the College has made preparations to keep students and employees safe. We have explained that safety is a team effort and safety needs to be constantly in our thoughts. In just the planning of this exercise, we have had great discussion about what we as a college needs to have on board in case an emergency exists.