HCTC employees hear inspirational message from Dr. Travis Freeman about disabilities | HCTC

HCTC Campuses Operating Remotely Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024

All Hazard Community & Technical College (HCTC) campuses will operate remotely tomorrow, Sept. 10, 2024. Instruction and services will continue for students virtually. Please check Blackboard and your email for announcements.

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HCTC employees hear inspirational message from Dr. Travis Freeman about disabilities

Travis FreemanDr. Travis Freeman provided an inspirational message to Hazard Community and Technical College employees during a college-wide start-up meeting on Aug. 26. Disability Does Not Equal Inability" noted Freeman, who shares his experiences of blindness. Despite not being able to see, he still played football in school and later completed his Ph.D. He started the Freeman Foundation to promote awareness and understanding of the needs as well as the potential of individuals with disabilities.