HCTC celebrates Super Sunday March 22 | HCTC

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HCTC celebrates Super Sunday March 22

Super SundayHazard Community and Technical College has rescheduled its Super Sunday for March 22. HCTC will partner with Consolidated Baptist Church for a program at 1 p.m. which is open to the public. The church invites everyone to their regular service at 11 a.m.

The annual statewide event is a student recruitment initiative specifically targeting African-American and Latino students. This year marks the fifth anniversary for the information fairs. HCTC employees will share information about programs available, student services, financial aid, and transferring to other colleges.

HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner said encouraging youth was important and he appreciated the partnership with Consolidated Baptist Church and minister Lowell Parker for sharing the goal of getting more students interested in education.

Higher education begins at KCTCS for most Kentuckians, and so it is a vital part of the KCTCS mission to increase the educational opportunities for people of color. To learn more about Super Sunday in Kentucky, visit super-sunday.org.