HCTC celebrates Constitution Day with a portrayal
HCTC will celebrate Constitution Day on Tuesday, September 18 at 10 a.m. with a portrayal
of Private William Greathouse, Proud Kentucky Militiaman who lived from 1794 to
1876 by Harry Smith. Morehead State University is a sponsor for the event, which will
be held at five campus locations Hazard Campus, Lees College Campus Van Meter Gym,
Technical Campus in the Devert Owens Multipurpose Room, Leslie County Center Gym,
and the Knott County Branch, third floor conference room.
Private William Greathouse will share his War of 1812 experience. When Kentucky Governor
Isaac Shelby was tasked with raising troops for a war with the British and the Indians,
Kentuckians responded with fervor. William Greathouse was one of more than 3,500 Kentuckians
who answered Shelby s call to arms in 1813. Just a teenager, Greathouse joined the
troops because he strongly opposed the British occupation and the Indian Confederacy
led by Chief Tecumseh. Greathouse mustered in on August 24, 1813 in Nelson County,
joining Colonel Renick s 5th Kentucky Regiment. Greathouse took part in the Thames
Campaign, marching into Canada to drive out the British forces who were assisted by
Chief Tecumseh. He took part in the Battle of the Thames, considered the turning point
of the war. In a battle that lasted less than an hour, the American troops, the majority
of whom were from Kentucky, destroyed the Indian Confederacy and drove the British
occupants out of Canada. With great humor and pride in his home state of Kentucky,
Private Greathouse s story not only tells of his personal contributions to American
history, but also explains Kentucky s vital role in America s Second War for Independence.