HCTC Accelerating Opportunity grant helping student succeed | HCTC

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HCTC Accelerating Opportunity grant helping student succeed

Jessica StandaferJessica Standafer is thankful for the Accelerating Opportunity (A.O.) grant at Hazard Community and Technical College because she is seeing a much better life for herself and her 3-year-old, Ian.

As a high school dropout, she had just been working minimum wage jobs. But she has earned a GED, completed the Certified Nurse Aide program at HCTC, and will enroll this fall in classes so she can become a nurse.

At age 23, her life has taken a major turn. She went from hating school in high school, to loving classes on the college level. What changed? My son is my inspiration, Ms. Standafer said. But if it were not for this Accelerating Opportunity grant, there would be no way I could take classes. She is also thankful for the Adult Education Center because of their help and encouragement.

Jessica completed the Accelerating Opportunity Physician Office Laboratory Assistant program and the A.O. Certified Nurse Assistant program.

Ms. Standafer said she appreciates the encouragement and support of Lucy Langdon, Coordinator with the grant. Lucy helps, no matter what the need. If you need a book, she gets you a book. If you need to hear a word of support, Lucy provides that too.

Ms. Langdon noted, Jessica excelled in all academic areas and her commitment in the classroom and clinical setting demonstrates success that will follow her throughout her career. It was a pleasure working with her. She is a very dedicated student. While taking the A.O. college classes, Jessica attended Perry Adult Education classes twice a week for additional supplemental instruction, which allowed her to obtain her GED. The Perry Adult Education staff always offer their students positive support and they encourage them to reach beyond their goals. The team effort among HCTC A.O. program, East Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program (EKCEP), and Perry County Adult Education offers eligible students tuition assistance, job search services, academic skills, and certifications that get them into the workforce community, Ms. Langdon said.